After over 2 years in development, we can finally reveal that the first 3 figures from the highly anticipated “Strange Monsters” mini line will finally be up for grabs courtesy of Little Rubber Guys next week! Featuring the incredible “Tug-O-War” from Zectron, “Shogu-Nasty” from Bigmantoys and “Necrolossus” from Ironhaus Pro, the trio of hand sculpted figures stand at around 3″ of rotocast soft vinyl. Produced by the guys over at Unbox Industries in a deep “Army Green” for this first release, all 3 figures will be touching down in the Little Rubber Guys store next Friday, September 18th, priced between just $12-$15 each plus shipping… Look out for details of Bigmantoys’ UK release, plus the debut of Tru:Tek’s entry, the “Sunobite”, over the next few days…